
Team Marketing Chatters


In the birth of a new company it is essential to establish certain parameters so that it can gain momentum in such a short time and even more so when you enter the world of competition, this is when even companies that have been in business for a long time stagnate and fail to move forward. A Planned Value Proposition seems to be a common and commonplace instrument of a harmless marketing but in reality it hides behind it a power of effectiveness (as long as they are carried out correctly).

Here are seven reasons why you should not underestimate a value proposition.

1. Representation and Visibility

Planning an honest, precise and concise value proposition will open a huge window to the public eye that will allow you to present yourself to the world while communicating the benefits you offer. A value proposition makes you stand out and make a difference before the rest of the companies, you must visualize it as an identity card or as the prologue of a book that gives an opening of what it contains, thus inciting the person to read you, investigate you and buy either as a service or as a product.  Besides considering you as one of the bunch, it accredits the identity of your company. It is like a document that you yourself write about who you are as a business and what you promise to your audience.

2. Commercial Ranking

It quickly positions you in a commercial ranking that will give you more visibility not only at a state or national level but also to remote corners around the world until you reach the sight or the very level of large industries already formed and consolidated that may want you as an ally or as applicants for your services. You will be more likely to be taken into account.

3. Take over a shopping sector

It makes you reach exactly the public that you wanted to conquer from the beginning and now it is up to you not only to keep them interested. The demand of your customers will be witness of your quality, efficiency, customer service, among others, which will provoke curiosity to other purchasing sectors encouraging them to work with you and thus contribute to the expansion of the group to which you will provide your services.

4. Marketing

A value proposition is a super cost-effective marketing method for both those companies that are just starting out and those that have been in the industry for years and want to update their cover letter with the same ideals but offering more benefits or different benefits from what they used to provide. It is a very useful tool that does not cost large amounts of dollars, you just need a good short and keyworded copywriting. Business marketing goes hand in hand with the product you sell, that is, you can have one of the best products in technology but if you do not give a good concept accompanied by promotions that make it have a significant reach before the others, it will be useless because in the middle there is a lot of competition and as the product was not made known therefore will not be able to realize a type of clientele, much less a position at a competitive level or quality. It is more than a simple sentence, it is more than a set of cliché or empty marketing messages; it is the profile of how the company balances its activities and results with the hardships of its target audience, to deliver a compelling experience that can be monetized through an exchange of value.

5. Quality Sales

When your company manages to position itself, both the quality and quantity of your customers increases rapidly. A strong value proposition can be the difference between closing a sale and losing a customer to the competition, which will make your clientele will be formed alone because what you communicated goes according to their needs but, keep in mind that if you do not communicate well to you will come a wrong clientele that when paying you for your services will be obviously dissatisfied because from the beginning misunderstood the proposal that as a company you made him get. It is important not to lie about the benefits offered, you have to be completely honest and not sell false hopes.

6. Study your Statistics and those of your Competitors

Analyzing both your statistics and those of your biggest rival will help you improve (you should study what has worked for them and what hasn’t), it will give you a broader picture of how you should approach and move within it, in order to achieve a more effective projection following your ideals in terms of the product offered. In short, it gives you and your team a focus by identifying the initiatives, dynamics, steps and fundamental aspects of your business that once implemented will have the greatest impact.

7. Conveys Confidence to the Customer

Having a high position in the ranking without counting on the quality of the product and customer service will convey confidence to the customer because you have already created a reputation with which the customer will feel confident and like working with you and therefore will help the customer to commit to bet more on you. Finally, keep in mind that the descriptions you write will not only give them a better understanding of your customers and how your solution meets their needs but also help you highlight the key features that differentiate you from other solutions in the market and articulate the value you provide.

It is important not to underestimate the power that this tool has, it goes beyond knowing the differences between your brand and another is to know how to communicate correctly what you have in mind and get people interested because you may have an extraordinary proposal idea but if you do not know how to express it you will not be able to visualize a good growth. The value proposition is fundamental to the overall business model and should form the anchor for all decision making, operations and customer interaction.

Throughout our college years, we strived every morning to fulfill that vital assignment, to meet the expectations of both our teachers and ourselves. Throughout the 5 or 6 years of studies, we gave our maximum percentage to overcome each of the obstacles and provide the stature in the career that undoubtedly helps us to acquire a reputation in order to successfully complete with honors. Our name reverberates among the most relevant companies in the city.

But now what happens when we get to the workplace where we notice a different performance than we were used to, now you notice that the exercise of your career is different from what you imagined in college. Once established, it seems that no one notices that you are there, rather, they try to overshadow you even more and it is precisely there where you become self-conscious about giving your opinion, asking questions, making suggestions, etc. It feels as if all those university recognitions do not weigh because despite doing a good job, shyness does not allow you to relate since you were used to a rhythm in which you survived perfectly with a fair amount of social interaction.

Have you noticed that in a company the most prosperous people are those who move fast, have allies here or there, bring ideas, solutions, and do not wait for anyone?  in short, they have a lot of mental agility. That is why it is of utmost importance to start carrying out confidence training for career women.

To train your confidence you must be aware of that:

  1. You must work on your self-esteem, and tell yourself every day that you are a woman who will show the world all the qualities she has.

2. You have a lot of potential, there is a reason why you have been chosen among several people who applied to work and sit in the chair where you are now.

3. Flexibility is an important point since everything around you is moving so fast that you can not be pigeonholed in a single mode, the idea is to get out of your comfort zone and show your superior that you are able to move at the same pace as the company.

4. Spontaneity often plays in our favor, this characteristic goes hand in hand with your personality and honesty so it is ideal to contrast them and achieve a good balance of the three.

5. Raise your voice, make yourself noticed, let them notice the desire you have to position your work environment and therefore you will also position yourself ahead of your peers.

6. Overcome the voices that whisper in your ear that you can’t make it, that you are terrified of speaking in public, that tell you that your ideas are bad, voices that self-sabotage you and make you a bag of nerves.

Find a good confidence coach for female executives, they can guide you to improve your confidence

Don’t pay attention to what people say, especially if it comes from people you don’t appreciate and just want to see you fall.

Once you have worked on each of these tips, I will tell you 7 radical benefits of confidence training for career women that you will obtain when you stop underestimating your self-confidence:

  • You increase labor productivity, if you speed up your work you indirectly force your colleagues to keep close to your production level, thus causing a chain reaction and the organization ends up running faster than before.
  • Your performance will not be limited to sitting in an office for hours following orders, but by showing authority and leadership principles you will be considered to guide a department for example. While you will have your own office, it will not be among the crowd and you will probably not spend much time in it because you will be busy having meetings and closing deals. In particular, it helps you not to abstain in one place, it provides you to act at a distance.
  • It decreases the number of rotations between departments like trial and error by the boss to determine where you perform best since the confidence you emanate along with your adaptability skills and healthy self-demand will save you all that time, enhancing your value as an employee.
  • Confidence helps you to move up the ladder quickly to a better position, which leads to better earnings and status.
  • Confidence gives you a voice that allows you to preach motivation and touch more deeply the people you surround yourself with not only in the work environment but also outside of it. In order to ease the tension in the work environment.
  • A woman who trains her confidence is able to represent an organization on an international level without being underestimated and intimidated because she is a woman.
  • Society designates you a good compensation and social security because you are a valuable resource and they will look out for your health, comfort, and well-being.

These are some of the ways in which confidence training empowers the businesswoman to thrive, even more so if before your job interview you thoroughly research everything about the organization, the bosses, their managers, how they operate in the industry, etc., as this shows the interviewer your interest and dedication. But not only that, collecting this type of information helps you more than anything else, to know if it suits you, if you like the things they are doing as an entity or if you will be a useful employee for them.

It is true that most of the time fear consumes us but it is up to us to determine if we give it the permission to collapse or not. You must be clear that fear will never cease to exist, it is always lurking every step we take and it is in our power to control it.


Simply by taking workshops and practicing confidence, and self-esteem, and getting a confidence coach for female executives, remember that the most serious thing that can happen is to make a mistake but knowing that the consequence will give you the possibility to reason, detect and correct the mistake.

Trial and error are what will make you a woman of experience with a lot of knowledge who already knows how to act in any scenario.

All the best 🙂

Stay confident.

Choosing the right b2b marketing agency that understands your business is important when you are looking at higher returns on your marketing and branding investment for your organization. The agency should be able to implement a winning lead generation strategy, help in strategic planning, and also in the tactical approach of the marketing strategy.

In today’s time, Instagram has gained immense fame and attention. People belonging to all age groups have their own Instagram accounts. Every minute someone from one corner of the world is posting a glimpse of their life on Instagram. Considering the popularity Instagram has garnered, its users crave having more followers. 

One of the best ways to attract new followers to Instagram is to encourage your followers and customers to share their photos and videos, use branded hashtags and post their content to your Instagram account.

Search Engine Optimization is significant because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.

In present circumstances, search engine optimization is a successful service that gives the maximum return on your investment as far as online business is concerned. If performed right, you can build your whole business just on the hard work of a good SEO services company.